2009 fairwell

Author: Juan David /

2009 is ending. Right now I don't know how to finished. Can't feel relieved 'cause I'd be ignoring the learned things, but these are some of the few things I can conclude of this experienceful change, and during 2010 I'll try to put in practice.

Always think before acting. It can save you lots of arguments!

In "this world" if you have a second chance, use it good 'cause it may never happen too often.

First impressios are great! But it's better if there's always a second one and a third one and so on.

Time is money
. Don't waste it on things that are not gonna cause revenue.

No matter how bad the experience was, there's always good, always learning.

People come and go. Friends are few. Spend your energies only with your friends, not to everyone. You'll be tired eventually.

Give yourself time to know the person and to know yourself interacting with the person.

Let the others bring something to the table sometimes. You don't have to do all the work.

Fail is not an option but it might happen. The only thing you can do is keep going and know that you have a lot ahead.

You shouln't talk to loud. It might come to you and hit you in the ass eventually.

"Friend" tag is a privilege. Don't give it to anyone.

Know that you are valuable. Be proud of what you are but always push yourself harder to be better.

So this is just a few on a life of learning. Let's hope that 2010 brings more learning. There's one last thing I learned in order to make all of the previous thing relevant:

You are not what you say. You are what you do and specially what you do to change who you are.

Thank you 2009 but I think is time to go and let 2010 come!

Just gonna make my dreams come true! And 2010 is going to be the year to start!

I think it's time

Author: Juan David /

I think it's time to write again
Time to come to realize that life is just moment and I can not get stucked there
I'm becoming stronger, and life's not easy... That doesn't mean it's not beautiful
People use to confuse the word "beautiful" with "easy"
I have to value what I learn, rescue what I can, but not regret any moment I've had
My past has made me who I am
The decision it's just mine, and none can take for me
I think it's time to move on
To take responsibility for my acts, change what I don't like, and do it, really do it
It's not time to go back to where you were and you suffered like hell
I think it's time to grow up, to think before acting
Gotta move on, and move on it's not equal to get over it
It's getting over it and learn, and learn consiously
I can do whatever I want and just if I decide
Decisions, gotta make the right ones to get great things in life
Think, act, learn
I think what I've been saying through the time in this blog is becoming tangible
I think it's time now and I think I've come to realize the use
I think it is time to smile, 'cause what's the use of crying.
I think the time has come. I hope so.

Everyonce in a while

Author: Juan David /

Somebody should talk to us like that everyonce in a while. It could change a lot of bad attitudes.

That you're not what you say, YOU ARE WHAT YOU DO.

Author: Juan David /

After being away for a little time, and after one of the greatest learnings (in order to be modest) in my whole life, I come to write again, to connect my thoughts with my actions.

Now in a stage of knowing myself, of prooving what I say I learned, I came to realized that there's no better way to learn than suffering it.

But, you know ? When you overcome all this tests, and proove that you're not just words, and beging to apply all the things you said you learn, you feel like flying. You feel right.

It may hurt, it may be difficult, but in the end, you see that above all those hard things, it's only you that matters in the whole world, and when that happens, your limits are your great forces, the best of your powers, your secret weapon.

I miss, I can deny it; but now, I have the strenght to go on for ever. As many times I need. Nobody can pull me down. None can tell me or make me do what I do not want to.

I still overthink, but in the end I just remember that day by day is the formula that works.

I still cry, but nobody has to know. None cares but me.

I am changed, improved.

I'm pretty sure right now about three things.

1. I still got a lot of things to learn. A lot.
2. More difficult times might come.
3. I have the strenght to proove that I can overcome anything.

Right now, I think I'm a little bit better than I was yesterday.

I just hope that one day I can say:


Look backwards, live a present and build a future

Author: Juan David /

How to undo what's done
How to correct what's been screwed up
How to make all of the shit that may surround you just in an instant go away
How to keep sanity and calm when the things were worst that you could've ever imagined

I wonder, I want to know

What's done can not be different
Actions speak louder than words
And you are what you say
What changed ? When did you turned out into somethig like that?

I guess the basis are not enough, are they?
There has to be an extra factor
What went wrong
When went wrong

Now, let's look at the past but let's not live it
Now, let's live the present, enjoy it
You never know if you're going to be there on the next second
Enjoy and be happy. Enjoy and build a great future, in case there is.

After all the shit you have to know it
After all the thing, and through all these stuff
I'm there
And you have... you. There's no need of some else.
Theres nothing you can do.
Nor erase nor delete. Just change.
Change is good, if you lean, if you go back to your past and see what's been more constant.
You live, you learn, and I can not be more sure about this: you are going to learn, you are going to be someone new after that... Hopefully.

This is my now!

Author: Juan David /

Mucho gusto, soy...

Author: Juan David /

Primer post en español. Creo que se lo merece.

Tengo miedos.
Eso no me hace cobarde.
Me hace cobarde no enfrentarlos.
Los estoy enfrentando.

No tengo miedo de ser quien soy.
Ya lo derroté.
Tengo miedos aún.
Donde no los tuviera, no podría ser valiente.

No me da pena decir que lloro.
Llorar me hace sentir muchas cosas.
Sentir me hace humano.
Soy humano, no una piedra.

Ahora lloro y aprendo.
No me quedo llorando nada más.
Hoy lloré por primera vez de alegría.
Se siente mucho más cuando es por alegría.

Soy humano porque siento.
Ahora soy aun más humano.
Me gusta sentirme así.
Sentir mucho, y estar feliz.

El orden está llegando.
No entiendo cómo está pasando, solo sé que llega.
Sólo como las fuerzas divinas lo pueden hacer.
Energía positiva. Ley de atracción. Palabras sabias de mi ángel de la guarda.

Soy Juan David Betancur.
Tengo miedos.
Tengo muchas cosas por cambiar.

Pero tengo apoyo
Sé quién soy
Sé qué quiero.
No estoy solo.

Tengo P.E. y atre orden, cosas muy buenas y mucha felicidad.
Tengo amigos que me apoyan y están ahí, que me hace dar más felicidad.
Tengo fuerzas para levantarme el número de veces que lo necesite.
Más importante, me tengo a mí, la persona más importante en mi vida.